It’s Thursday evening at 6pm PST.
A successful day working with clients while on the telephone.
I’m feeling tired from my trip to Ontario.
I am happy that I’m home with Laura.
We live in such a beautiful environment as you can see by this pic of one of the neighborhood ponds that I took while out for a walk with Laura on Wednesday night after returning from Ontario.
That this is my 897th Blog Entry since I committed to writing a Daily Work Day Blog ever since I started this Blog back on February 26th, 2005 and I believe that I have not missed a Daily Work Day Blog.
This thought came to mind as I am reflecting on what I learned from reading The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield. I am really inspired to write as a result of reading Steven’s book.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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