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What Is Your Jump Date?

I’m taking time off from Blogging until after Labour Day to do some professional development on Monday & Tuesday, August 30th and 31st and Staycation time for the balance of the time.

One huge thing to celebrate this week @ Leading Advisor is we received CE Accreditation based on the new 2010 Advocis / CLU Institute CE Accreditation Guidelines for;

  • Clear Your Roadblocks – 1 CE Credit
  • Clear Your Roadblocks To The Client Engagement Process – Part I & II – 3 CE Credits

See you in September!

What Is Your Jump Date?

You could be standing on the edge of a helium balloon’s gondola ready to jump from over 100,000 feet.

You might not have jumped off exactly with both feet at the same time and gotten into a spin that exceeded 150 miles an hour that eventually separated your skull from your spine.

You might not have gotten into a spin but the defroster on the view screen that will melt your helmet’s protective view screen at sea level could malfunction and crack and you would find out that water boils at 98 degrees at 100,000 feet and that the saliva on your tongue is boiling

Your view screen might not have cracked but your suit might have torn because you broke the sound barrier and you and your lungs expanded to twelve times their size with the pressure change in space and you died in twelve seconds.

You are not Felix Baumgartner who is the incredible man that is planning to risk his life for science to develop a suit to enable space craft astronauts to jettison in the event of a malfunction like the one that killed the crew of the Challenger space shuttle.

What are you going to do this fall that is incredible?

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Advisor.ca Name That Visionary

What do Simon Reilly, Mark Carney, Jim Flaherty, Moshe Milevsky and Terry Zavitz have in common?

Voting for Advisor.ca ‘s Name That Visionary will commence on September 7th 2010 (just after Labour Day).

If you previously voted you’ll receive an email voting reminder on September 7th.

Round One is over. Your votes have been cast and tabulated. Advisor.ca’s expansive list of candidates is now down to just 20 entries displayed below. It is your turn to pick the Top Ten for the next phase of Advisor.ca’s poll to determine Canada’s greatest financial visionary. In the Second Round, you can only cast one vote so read the bios carefully, familiarize yourself with the candidates and make your pick.

Your votes will be tabulated and Advisor.ca’s first round of judging will determine the top ten finalists. A second round of judging will determine the order of the Top 10 nominees and an overall winner.