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So, a question I have for you?
What’s your greatest asset?
And… it’s not your money, it’s not your time, it’s not your energy.
It’s your consciousness.
And what has to consciously change?
You’ve got to understand that not having a business plan is sucking up your valuable consciousness.
And we’re doing the same stuff over and over again expecting a different result.
We’ve got a little decision going on.
It’s the absence of a decision making plan – not having a business plan.
And, it contributes to overwhelm.
So, it’s filling up our mind’s working memory.
You know in the old days when you bought your first computer.
Way, way, way back you were really smoking if you had two 256K floppy drives.
How many softwares could you run with two 256K floppy drives? One.
And then Windows ‘95 came along and how many softwares could you run when Windows ‘95 came along? Three.
Well how many softwares can you run today? Numerous softwares.
Some of you have got 5, 6, 7, 8 different softwares all running on your desktop, all at the same time and why can you do that?
It’s because the RAM memory has been expanded.
But when we don’t have a plan, we are filling up our RAM memory.
And when RAM memory slows down, you can think back to some of those older computer systems… it slowed the computer system down.
We have got to be able to get our best thoughts down on paper so we can take the best actions going forward.
So we’ve got to eliminate the stuff that’s interfering with us going forward so we’re not working on the same stuff over and over again expecting a different result.
So what’s the stuff?
What do you want to eliminate?
Busy work, cluttered desk and office, compliance problems, all of these things, you can trace them all the way back to not having a business plan.
Confusion, chaos, distractions, doing too many favors, trying to incidentally get your needs of approval and recognition met.
- Failure to ask for referrals.
- Failing to prospect.
- Dealing with too many interruptions.
- Inconsistent service.
There’s lots of lack.
- Lack of ability.
- Lack of delegation.
- Lack of time management.
- Lack of vision.
- Lack of satisfaction.
- Loss of motivation.
- Micro-managing.
All symptoms of not having a business plan.
So, it’s not about extra stuff; it’s about helping you to get the stuff to go away.
To help the stuff disappear so you’re working on the right stuff, so that you can have more fulfillment in both your business and personal lives.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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