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What Are Your Beliefs About Time?

This isn’t about being negative because mistakes are just as important as learning what to do. What not to do is just as important as learning what to do. Why not take off hours and hours and hours and dollars off of your learning curve.

That’s what it’s all about. So very important. Grab a pencil, grab a paper, whatever thing you use, grab your phone so you can take some notes here.

Before we get into The 7 Time Bandits, here is how to address the biggest bandit of all;

What are your beliefs about time?

Are you saying?

  • I don’t have enough time
  • There is too much to do
  • I’ll never get it all done

What ever you believe, you are right.

What if you were to adopt the belief of;

  • I have an abundance of time for anything that I am committed to doing!

In your journal, draw two columns on a page

  • Make a list of all of the limiting beliefs that you have about time in the left column.
  • In the right column, write down the antithesis or opposite positive belief to the negative belief.

Practice focusing on the positive beliefs on a regular basis.

You can do the same process with your goals.