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Web Site Upgrade Update August 26, 2006

(Welcome and Note To Reader – The following article is related to either the Book that I am writing or the Web Site Writing Upgrade that I started on August 8th, 2006. For more insight you are welcome to click the following link to read Selfish Blogging Or Stop Blogging? )

Web Site Upgrade Update August 26, 2006

The writing of all of the pages for the Web Site Upgrade are now complete.

The majority of the work to complete is related to proof editing and posting the pages.

Here is an updated summary of what we have to do;


– Edit main page – Laura
– Advocis logo – Kim
– Links – Kim
– PDFs – Kim
– Video Gallery title change – Kim
– Fix buttons – Kim
– Post Articles – Kim
– E-Newsletter – Newer e-newsletters to post on page – Kim
– Coaching – Post writing – Kim
– Workshop – Edit – Kim
– Retreat – Writing needs to be posted onto web site banner so that reader can still navigate site once they click retreats link – Kim
Blog – Link – Kim
Newsletter – Edit – Kim
– Bio – Edit – Laura
– Testimonials – Add/Edit – Simon/Laura
Resources – Edit – Kim

– Turn hyperlinks bold – Kim

– Links built into site – Simon
– Simon Reilly, The Financial Advisor Coach – Simon
– Password New Kim – Simon
– Web Site – Search – Simon
Leading Advisor – More Profit & More Time
Leading Advisor is a coaching, consulting and training company based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Simon Reilly can transform your life and your business, …

– The labels that we come under using Google – Simon
– Video Gallery order of videos – Simon
– Mambo – Simon

– We / Us editing – Laura
– Business / personal editing – Laura

– Advocis logo – Kim
– Post articles – Kim & Simon
– Color of roll overs – Kim

Simon Reilly
The Financial Advisor Coach