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We’ve Got A Marketing Vacuum, Attraction And Buzz

With the seamless launch of the new web site, the completion of new tradeshow booth, the completion of the book and aside from creating two new PowerPoints for next week’s IFB conference in Toronto, I am starting to feel like we are in a vacuum as the to-do lists are getting shorter and shorter.
Something that the late great Thomas Leonard (founder of CoachU) talked about; if you want to be attractive, clean up your space and attraction will find you.
Attraction and buzz are starting to happen with more and more subscribers receiving the first 6 chapters of my new book; Curing The Unmet Needs Disease.
We have barely started to market the new book, public speaking, web site and one on one tele-coaching and subscribers and speaking enquiries are coming on from Saltspring, BC to Halifax, NS.
I’ll get back to clientcentric blogging next week.
Have a wonderful weekend.