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When Is The Last Time You Upgraded Your Personal Operating System?

When Is The Last Time You Upgraded Your Personal Operating System?

What’s your score between 1 and 10? Where do you rate yourself between 1 and 10? I lack focus, being 1, and then 10, I follow a written 5-year vision and business plan. What’s your number? I’m here to tell you that the answer is either 1 or its 10.  There is no 5 or 6. There is no maybe either. You either have it done or you don’t. I’m not here to get on your case about your number. I’m here to ask you to consider WHY that is happening.

I’m going to suggest to you it’s all about operating systems.  We all have a smartphone. I have an  iPhone 6. I’ve already cracked it.  How many of you have the iPhone 6? How ’bout 6+? How many Galaxy owners? How many BlackBerry owners? Now I want you to think about the operating system that’s running on the iPhone 6. What’s the latest version of the operating system upgrade? 8.4. Galaxy folks what’s the operating system running on that phone? Android Lollipop version 5. BlackBerry users, what’s your operating system? What’s the latest version? It’s 10.3.  We have the Apple 8.4. We have Galaxy Android. We have the Lollipop 5. We have Blackberry already on 10.3.

Now my point is, I’m suggesting that we know more about our smartphones and the operating systems that are running in them than we know about her own personal operating system.

The question I have for you is, when was the last time you upgraded your personal operating system?