It’s 11:35 am and Laura and I are on a flight from Bellingham, Washington to Las Vegas after an excellent night’s sleep.
We have the afternoon, evening and tomorrow morning free before the beginning of NAIFA’s Career Conference & Annual Meeting from September 8 – 11.
Even though I first woke up around 4:00 am, I was able to doze on and off until 6:45 am, floating in and out of sleep while I did a breathing exercise releasing the aftermath of the details, details and more details that have been consuming my consciousness over the past 6 – 8 weeks.
Our new tradeshow booth, Balanced Business Barometer, 7 step Balanced Business System and, Infusionsoft CRM System project was conceived in the flash of a right brain conscious heartbeat, in the spirit of big picture inspiration and imagination, and my left brain captured the flow of the details, details and more details to make the project possible. Try as I may to stay positive with meditation, cardio and yoga, the unconscious parts of my left brain driven by unmet needs like safety, brought forth the devil in the details which came out in the form of exhaustion and overwhelm when I unconsciously forgot to stop and do my practices of breathing and stretching between meditation, cardio and yoga.
But is the devil really in the details.
The gist of the term the devil is in the details means the small details of a project which make the project more difficult or challenging and the same small overlooked details will cause serious problems later on.
So like any endeavor in life, isn’t it about the challenge to stay conscious and positive even though one can get pulled into the negatives of the unconscious mind while in the pursuit of a project that was conceived in the flash of a right brain conscious heartbeat, in the spirit of big picture inspiration and imagination.
“Le bon Dieu est dans le détail” (the good God is in the detail) Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880).

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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