Today is the day for a number of reasons;
– The CMA Presentation on 13 Steps To Build A Championship Team
– Two Appointments With Book Publishers
– Computer Upgrades
– A Right Of Passage
If you have been reading my Blog you have likely been reading about what I have been doing and saying about my Presentation on 13 Steps To Build A Championship Team to the Certified Management Accountants of British Columbia in Victoria, BC which is today. Click Certified Management Accountants of British Columbia for their web site. Also click Overview of their 3 Day Workshop.
While I am in Victoria, I am going to visit two book publishers. The reason that I am doing this is to help to gain more focus, ideas, coaching and conviction about getting my book self-published. I’ll let you know how this progresses.
A Right Of Passage means that with the completion of the move, getting personally settled, and with the completion of the CMA Presentation on 13 Steps To Build A Championship Team, I finally feel like I now have the space to take some time to get my business settled allowing me to reconnect with my Vision.
Getting settled also means continual computer maintenance. I have 10 years and many megabytes of data on my computer and it contains an enormous amount of valuable information. Now that we are living on the ground floor with easy window access, no mater how good our alarm system is there is always a chance that the computers and worse yet, the data could be gone in a heartbeat.
Simon Parsons of IT Computer Services has been extremely helpful over the past two weeks. Simon has just recommended and we install Norton Anti Virus Professional which is leaps and bounds ahead of the regular Norton Anti Virus Software which DOES NOT work well with Microsoft Outlook. Simon is now setting up our backups so that they are automatically done “off site”. This is a must for anyone that is in business today. Simon can be reached at;
Getting settled also means finding away to get on top of all of the many, many details that one runs into after a major relocation and being away from their regular office environment. Note that the set up of mine is still in progress. I’m in the process of writing an article on this subject based on my experience.
It is a good thing that some or most of my Marketing Niche of Financial Advisors are very busy in the next two week with RRSPs. With this being the 3rd week of a coaching month and next week being an off week from most of my client appointments, I really have some uninterrupted time and space to really gain some additional perspective on a few projects that I have not had the time to focus on with all the change that has been going on.
International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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