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Understanding Your Biggest Challenge – Time Management


What’s one of your biggest challenges going on right now?

Time management.

What is the unmet need that it’s connected to?

Safety and Security

What is the emotion that is being triggered?

Anxiety and Fear

What is the negative belief system?

“I’ve got too much to do and I’ll never get it all done!”

Thoughts are powerful forces. They become self-fulfilling prophecies.

If you think that you’ve got too much to do and you’ll never get it all done, guess what?

You won’t.

If you continue operating from this negative belief system, without understanding where it’s coming from, you will continue to attract things into your life and work that don’t serve you well. Yes.

You want to start focusing on the things that you DO want and that will serve you well.

You want to attract clients and opportunities and other things that will give you a strong return on your investment and bring you fulfillment.

But, operating beneath the surface is… our need for Safety.

This need may cause us to work and work and work without positive results.

Now where does this need for Safety come from?

This theory is based on Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory


Level 1                                    –                  Physiological Needs: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Facebook

Level 2                                    –                  Safety

Level 3                                    –                  Social

Level 4                                    –                  Esteem

Level 5                                    –                  Self Actualization


At Level 1, we’ve got Physiological needs:

We’ve got to get that taken care of first before anything else.

Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Facebook.

At Level 2, we have Security (Safety).

I contend that many, many people are caught up in the unmet need of safety and it’s slowing their business down.

What is really sabotaging your time management system?

What is the unmet need that it’s connected to?

Safety and Security

What is the emotion that is being triggered?

Anxiety and Fear

What is the negative belief system?

“I’ve got too much to do and I’ll never get it all done!”

Thoughts are powerful forces. They become self-fulfilling prophecies.

At Level 3: Social

Yes, we want to have a social value, but I’m going to suggest to you that there are unmet needs that are underneath the surface and they’re interfering with your practice in respect to your client segmentation. In respect to asking for referrals and a whole lot more.

At Level 4: Esteem

At Level 5: Self-Actualization

My question to you is: “Who is the self at level five?”

Look at the caricatures.



On one side, we’ve got ‘being’ and on the other side we’ve got ‘doing’.

You’ve heard that expression: “Are you a human being or are you a human doing?”

Well, you are infinite…you are a human being.

People of faith would say ‘soul’. You are a soul.

Now I’m not here to interfere with your faith and what your beliefs are, but I am here to say to you: “You are something far more infinite than the amygdala, the limbic brain, the ego” — what Seth Godin calls the lizard brain.

It’s about the size of an almond. It weighs about 3 ounces and it has the mentality of a three year old.

It is self-absorbed in its own self-absorption. If you’re not conscious, it will try to absorb your true self, your soul. That is it’s mandate. It does not exist. Only in its own mind.

It is in competition with your being and your soul, with unmet needs, negative emotions and negative beliefs.

Your being and your soul are infinite and so is your time.