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The 43 Outcomes That My New Clients Want To Achieve

It has been an abundant week of new coaching clients coming in from the financial advisor speaking that I have been doing.

The following is a cut and paste / mash up / collage … call it what you like of the outcomes that my clients want to achieve as a result of working with me as their coach ( please note that there are some duplications ): 

  1. Eliminate fear
  2. Increase confidence
  3. Deepen your understanding or yourself and others to eliminate judgment
  4. Increase your focus
  5. Release anger
  6. Attract more referrals
  7. Shift from being a salesperson to a business person
  8. Maintain your state of mind while you are building the systems for your business
  9. Change the outside perception of your prospects that your firm does group insurance for smaller companies to a perception that your firm works with companies of 150 – 250 employees – we will do this by changing your inner perception
  10. Clarify your projects and your maximize time so that your focus is more magnified and you are less fragmented
  11. Improve your delegation, learn to let go of more
  12. Support you while you create a scalable system so that you are dealing with the larger cases while the team is taking care of the smaller cases
  13. Help grow the team and add team members that report to existing team members – give the existing team more resources to be more productive
  14. Assist you to communicate, manage and motivate your team
  15. Assist with employee reviews to create a true win-win environment
  16. Improve your “what do you do better message” – “branding”
  17. Offer listening, accountability, tough love at times and systems to support your goals
  18. Increase you desire / understand your lack of desire
  19. Understand your unmet need of recognition combined with the negative beliefs and negative emotions that contribute to ups & downs in motivation and time management problems because of taking on too much
  20. Ask for more referrals
  21. Eliminate justification
  22. Eliminate procrastination
  23. ID projects and actions
  24. Develop a time blocking system
  25. Improve your focus
  26. Increase your trust by understanding the unmet need of control
  27. Increase your trust in yourself by deepening your understanding of yourself
  28. Increase your referrals
  29. Eliminate fear
  30. Take yourself more seriously
  31. Eliminate fear
  32. Get out of survival mode
  33. Manage your projects and time
  34. Eliminate reactionary behaviors
  35. Improve your focus
  36. Create more follow through
  37. Be more organized
  38. Create a vision, plan and goals
  39. Create a marketing plan
  40. Attract more referrals
  41. Create a client engagement checklist
  42. Increase your sales activity and results
  43. Hire a new assistant