Thank you to NAIFA Georgia for their brilliant job of producing their 2013 NAIFA Georgia State Convention on Tuesday, April 23. I was honored to have the opportunity to speak at the convention and experience the outstanding presentations of Chris Coleman, Tim Richardson and John Wright II.
Pictured here are NAIFA Georgia Executive John Weeks, Debby Evans, Sandy Sutton and Don Esposito.
It was great to reconnect with fellow MDRT speaker Tim Richardson. We had a chance after the convention to offer each other some business-building ideas.
It’s 5 pm ET Wednesday, April 24 and I’m 90 minutes into a 150-minute flight from Atlanta to Dallas connecting in Vancouver and then on to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island making for a long creative day.
So to stay inspired I’m practicing what I suggest to my clients which is to make a list of everything that they have to give thanks for from the past week and focus on how that makes you feel versus the always judging / unthankful ego – amygdala, emotional, limbic, lizard brain.
This give-thanks-for list below is from the week of Sunday April 14, to Saturday April 21, which ties into this Organizational Mind Map that I created on Sunday April 15.
You might think it is a sin that I have worked the last three Sundays in row having spoken at TedX Powell River Sunday April 7, flown to London, ON, Sunday April 14, and flown to Atlanta Sunday April 21. I am sure that God understands the investment one makes to deliver The Inspirational Tipping Point while living on the edge of nowhere on Vancouver Island.
Giving Thanks List Sunday April 14 – Saturday April 21
Saturday, April 20
- Slept in Saturday
- Chris Barrow newsletter printed for next week’s reading
- Diane consultant debriefing
- Listed everything to give thanks for week
- Meditation 20, walk 30, cardio 33, yoga 20 minutes
Friday, April 19
- Coaching day
- COI Coaching Infusionsoft and Send Out Cards marketing campaign delegated
- Journal summarized
- NAIFA Georgia PowerPoint edits defined
- Lincoln speaking coaching prospect called for an appointment
- Pat friend conversation
- Projects shortlisted
- Meditation 20, walk 30, cardio 33, massage 75, yoga 20 minutes
- Shadow book received
- What is The Inspirational Tipping Point book ideas
- Realization The Inspirational Tipping Point must be written to corporations
- Unpacked
Thursday, April 18
- Safe flight home from Toronto
- Article summary created
- Bio edits
- Blog and Tweets written for following week
- Clearing process
- COI Coaching Infusionsoft and Send Out Cards marketing campaign draft written
- Facebook client friend list draft
- Saint research for reading completed
- Shadow research
- Ted Vancouver Whistler submission draft
- Home with Laura 🙂
- Meditation 20, yoga 60 minutes
Wednesday, April 17
- Outstanding Inspirational Tipping Point / One Page Business Plan speaking presentation to Pro-Seminars Toronto
- Coaching day
- Clearing process
- Client Infusionsoft and Send Out Cards marketing campaign confirmed
- Bob Gignac friend visit
- Website repairs identified
- Meditation 20, cardio 33, yoga 20 minutes
Tuesday, April 16
- Good Inspirational Tipping Point / One Page Business Plan speaking presentation to Pro-Seminars London
- Coaching day
- Clearing process
- Diederik friend debriefing
- Bob Gignac friend visit
- Meditation 20, cardio 45, yoga 25 minutes
Monday, April 15
- Clearing process
- Client Infusionsoft campaign started
- Diederik friend meeting
- Laura meeting
- Let a FMO prospect go
- Meditation 10, cardio 45, yoga 30 minutes
Sunday, April 14
- Safe flight to London
- April newsletter written
- Blog and Tweets written for week and summary list created
- Blog mind map created of projects for week of April 14 – 20
- Clearing process
- Inspirational Tipping Point / One Page Business Plan speaking presentation PowerPoint written
- Laura meeting agenda written for Laura meeting
- Marketing plan updated
- Planner iPad updated
- Projects list updated
- Recognized too tired to write new articles after TedX
- Robin friend letter draft
- Meditation cardio 33, yoga 33 minutes
- Scheduled a weekend get a way for Laura and me for April 27
… and as a result of this giving-thanks process, I am reminded to continue to express joy, happiness, love and peace as we continue our purpose.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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