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Thank You Laura Reilly

It’s 5:40am and I am at my desk at my home office in Parksville.

My routine starts at 4:30am / 5:00am depending if it is coaching day with meditation for half a hour followed by going to my office and preparing for my day which includes reviewing my calendar / task list, replying to e-mails, looking at my appointments for the day and reviewing the appointment files that Laura has set out for me.

Not only do I have the best friend, love, partner and wife, I’ve got the best business partner that anyone can imagine.

I’m appreciating Laura and giving thanks for the many things that Laura does behind the scenes to make Leading Advisor a reality and this includes giving thanks for the fully booked calendar that is booked by Laura with coaching clients and prospective coaching clients on focus days.

Laura’s rock steady consistency and amazing spirit provides me with a strong foundation to coach, speak and write while we express the values of Attraction, Currency/Energy, Encouragement, Partnering/People, Professionalism/Quality/Service, Sense/Wisdom, Teaching, Understanding/Empathy & Venture as we help our clients to meet and exceed their goals.