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Stop Thinking And Think Bigger

“There is a story, always ahead of you. Barely existing. Only gradually do you attach yourself to it and feed it. You discover the carapace that will contain and test your character. You find in this way the path of your life.” – Michael Ondaatje, page 181 of The Cat’s Table. The Cat’s Table is a wonderful read. Michael also wrote The English Patient.

Our 2012 Catamaran trip through the BVIs became timeless after about four days.

The spring of my thinking was pretty wound up for the first four days from a strong start to 2012 with writing our 2012 business plan right through to back to back client calls to enable us to leave for the BVIs on the evening of the 25th of January.

After the fourth day, time was lost with the roll of the waves and day to day activities that included sailing, cooking, exploring, getting provisions, snorkeling, sun tanning, reading and spending time with our friends.

It was a shock on the ninth day realizing that our trip was coming to an end. I’m still dumbstruck at how quickly the time went by.

Along the way, I unwound my thinking and used my journal to Empty My Mind.

Our trip through the BVs combined with parts of the Empty My Mind Process created an empty void in my mind.

Instead of the void being filled with routine thinking, space was made available for even loftier goals than I had written in our 2012 One Page Business Plan. All share my new loftier goals in an upcoming blog.

It isn’t important to know how these goals will become a reality, just that they get written down.

The Osprey – the Catamaran that we bare boat chartered for our 2012 trip through the BVIs.