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Socks & Underwear

Remember blogging is a part of marketing and marketing is both the process of attracting, elimination and qualification … if you don’t like my blogs, e-newsletter or web site, you likely will not like me … and I’m over it.

So I was sitting back in the passenger seat, a rare treat as Laura was driving us to catch a flight from Comox, BC to Calgary, AB, and I was working on editing the How To Thrive In A Recession PowerPoint Presentation down from 75 minutes from when I delivered it to The Independent Financial Brokers Summit on May 27th in Toronto down to a 50 minutes for Tuesday’s Presentation for Pro-Seminars in Calgary. Laura is going on this trip to help me as my left arm has a radial head fracture.

The perfect moment, not driving, making my driving time productive, we are about 20 minutes down the highway …

Laura yells; “I forgot to pack your socks and underwear!”

For the record, 🙂 My job is to pack the office/speaking equipment and Laura always packs the personal luggage and that is one of the many things that helps to make my trips seamless.

Thank goodness that Comox Airport is a small airport because we arrived 5 minutes before boarding and a large airport usually has a 20 – 30 minute cut off at check-in prior to security and the gate.

A big day ahead speaking at 8am on behalf of Pro-Seminars in Calgary and an afternoon meeting with the Board Members of The Advocis School.

Thank you to Peter Lantos as we are the Featured World Class Coach on The Elite Advisor.