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Social Networking For Profit Or Not For Profit?

While the online frenzy continues to be propelled with get a web site, get an e-newsletter, get a blog, get on social media, get an APP … this rather sobering exerpt from “The Web is dead” in the September edition of Wired can make those of us that are consultative sales want to think twice about dumping all kinds of time and energy into Web 2.0 as the mainstay of their marketing efforts.

“What’s more, there was the additionally sobering and confounding fact that an online consumer continued to be worth significantly less than an offline one.” – Micheal Wolff – Wired Magazine, September 2010. Michael Wolff is a new contributing editor for Wired. He is also a columnist for Vanity Fair and the founder of Newser, a news-aggregation site.

For fun, I’m thinking of creating FerengiBook which is a membership site where the membership is driven by creating daily posts about something that they did that was value added and profitable.

My recollection is the Ferengi from Star Trek lived by The 52 Laws Of Profit and that it was against the law if they did something that didn’t create profit … as long as it was compliant of course.

All kidding aside … one has to do both in the new normal … Sales and Marketing 101 … STP, See The People and Web 2.0 or you might look like a Klingon right out of the sales and marketing dark ages.