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Routine To Earn Your Daily Bread

The value and importance of routine is staring me right in the face due to my major relocation as I observe the potential reaction of my ego when I literally have to get out a map to go and get a loaf of bread.

Imagine knowing where North & South was for your entire life. From my previous home/office location the sun was out in front of me for the entire day and sun rise was from the left and it set to the right. Moving into a brand new environment has the sun rising from the right and setting to the left and the sun is behind me the entire day.

With having to get out a map to find a loaf of bread and with bearings off from not knowing where the sun is, it is a little disorienting to say the least.

Change can do funny things to your ego if you allow it to happen and it is especially true when you don’t have your bearings.

Stephen Covey talks about True North Principals in his work. To me this means your Vision, Goals, Related Projects and Prioritized Action Plans. When we are faced with change at virtually every moment, it is essential to Make The Time to get our bearings through a daily review of Vision, Goals, Related Projects and Prioritized Action Plans.

I’m amazed at how many people do not Make The Time by Blocking Out Time To Plan to get their bearings for the day to set out to earn their daily bread.