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Rock-Star Employees Need Rocks In Order To Roll – From Simon’s Desk

rock-and-rollI shared with a client why you need Rock-star employees and Rock employees.

I think the concerns about your new assistant not being fast enough are premature given that they have only been there 3 weeks.

Based on what you told me about your feedback from your IMO, they are amazed at your production and with the lower staff levels that you have to produce the production.

You are a Rock-Star and it is important for you to be able to Roll.

It is essential for you to have some Rocks on your team, that are not going to be like you or your executive assistant, that are going to be content with doing one thing at a time, that are going to be solid and steady crossing the ‘t’s’ and dotting the ‘i’s’… and there is no way they are going to be able to run at the velocity that you run.  Please keep in mind that this person will not be able to download the kind of information that you can produce.  You have decades of experience and are well versed.  It is going to take them some time to be able to know the verses.

My recommendation is to look at the projects that you have delegated, prioritize the projects and give the new assistant some of the projects and give them the chance to be able to get fully associated.

I think you should get your executive assistant involved in the delegation process so that they can help to facilitate the training.

Please find the attached example of a job description/training plan that you can model.

From Simon’s Desk are excerpts from the Coaching Call Follow Up E-mails that I provide my clients with after our bi-weekly coaching calls.