Wednesday provided the space for Laura and I to finally get back into writing and producing the Removing Your Roadblocks book.
The amount of copy we have for the book is enormous and it all seems very easy this time around as our vision is clear.
The day was invested in redefining our book writing plan that includes that following actions that we will begin taking action on in the forthcoming weeks and months:
• Review our brand
• Contact a graphics designer for matching graphics for our book, trade show booth, web site, blog and e-newsletter banner, dvd case and booklet
• Establish book content
• Create chapters
• Proof existing writing material that was taped and type set from a recent 1 ½ hour Removing Your Roadblocks Power Point Presentation – we decided that the content and format of the Power Point Presentation is the foundation for the book
• Locate existing extra writing material to build out the above writing from our articles, books and e-newsletters
• Locate a book designer
• Locate an editor
• Locate a publisher

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
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