One Page Business Plan™ One On One Telephone Coaching
The Program that Brings You “That Much Closer” to Having a Business Plan that Works
Talk about convenience…
Telephone coaching makes constructing a One Page Business Plan™ more doable than ever, taking logistics and geography out of the equation.
Do you:
- Feel like your practice is running you and can’t seem to get your time under control?
- Get bogged down in customer service that you should be delegating so that you can spend more time with your clients?
- Look for the right words to explain your vision, only to get confused looks from your team?
- Run around in circles explaining and re-explaining the plans and ideas that you have?
- Realize that you have no idea how to create a viable plan?
- Write plans again and again, only to find that you don’t know how to execute them?
- Go to seminars and then get back to the office only to wish that you had the speaker there to ask your specific questions?
- Want personalized attention, for once?
Want to Get Started Today?
Schedule a complimentary telephone coaching session with Simon Reilly or call 250 248-6012
“The One Page Business Plan allowed me to improve my focus and get my objectives in print and at same time; ask why are these objectives important. When you stop to think about your objectives and strategies and put them in writing you get clear that it is either important or it is not.”
Angela Houle, B.Acc., CFP, CLU, RHU
McAuley Financial Services/FundEX Investments
Ottawa, ON
The One Page Business Plan™ One-on-One Telephone Coaching Program is the program that you need!
Learn to:
- Develop a simple, powerful plan to fix what is not working
- Have the tools to fix what is not working
- Set clear, achievable goals
- Diagnose your team’s roadblocks
- Develop a simple, powerful plan to fix them
- Use tools and systems by having a master available to train and retrain you
- Move to the next level in your performance
The One Page Business Plan™ Live Coaching Program includes:
- 2 – 1 hour One Page Business Plan™ Debriefing telephone calls per month
- Exclusive One Page Business Plan™ Password Protected On-Line System
- One Page Business Plan™ Performance Scorecard Spreadsheet
- One Page Business Plan™ Progress Reports Spreadsheet
- Assignments/Systems may be included from the Clear Your Roadblocks™ – 2 Month Program or Plan * Practice * Profit™ – 12 Month Program depending on what you require
- Detailed personalized coaching call followup e-mails and recordings
“I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to work with a large account if it wasn’t for him. He was there at the right time to help change my thinking on it and perspective.”
Carl Thoenen
Financial Advisor
Hazelwood, MO
The One Page Business Plan™ Corporate Workshop also includes:
- A constant relationship with Simon Reilly to educate, guide and keep you accountable to creating and acting upon your One Page Business Plan™
- Special business planning system custom tailored to the financial advisor / investment advisor profession
- A set of decisions that will install the next level of disciplines to take your business to the next level
- One-on-one coaching call prep form (automated)
- Weekly Blogs – Information in a steady flow to keep you on track
- Weekly e-mail progress report (automated) with reply if required – Automated to help you to stay accountable while preparing for the one-on-one coaching calls so there is no time wasted
- Weekly updates that include articles, questions and answers
- Monthly e-newsletter – loaded with new and exclusive information for you
- Articles, assignments and systems on creating a vision, business planning, time management, delegation, team building, cash flow management, consultative marketing, asking for referrals, the client engagement process – All of this information is exclusive to our Program members and no one else
- Unlimited e-mail access to Simon Reilly
- Unlimited telephone access to Simon Reilly ( calls are booked through Laura Reilly )
- Downloads from our Knowledge Bureau – We have years of information to share
Are you ready to have a real Plan and
have a coach available to help you put it into action?
Start Right Now
This is your opportunity.
Schedule a complimentary telephone coaching session with Simon Reilly or call 250 248-6012.
“When I saw Simon first present the One Page Business Plan I immediately knew I could use his help. Every year I have to complete a business plan and I agonize over preparing the details. With his program, it is easy to get started. You can just click on the tabs and put a Business Plan together in a very short period of time.”
Carol Jackson
Investors Group
Edmonton, AB
Still unsure?
The One Page Business Plan™ Telephone Coaching Plan is about you.
Don’t sit through another seminar, another book, or another webinar, then step away thinking, “Great! Now how do I make that work?”
The One Page Business Plan™ Telephone Coaching Plan is about making the plan, putting the plan in place, and having a coach available to help you fine tune your plan.
A full-time coach would be too expensive for almost anyone, but a coach that is available to you by telephone is right here.
What are you waiting for?
Success does not knock on your door, opportunity does.
This is your opportunity.
“Some people might say that it’s pricey and it is expensive, but it’s all about the value that you get out of it.
Simon gives a 30-day money-back guarantee and I took him up on that. I saw the benefit that fast to where I wanted to pay to have him work me.
If you really look at what differences can be made, how to do it, measure it, extrapolate and do this every month, you start to take a deeper look at how you are doing things and you get much better results.
I’m really making some headway and if people are willing to put the work into it, it’s worth every penny of it and I think people would see that for themselves as there’s no risk to anybody trying to work with Simon.
With a 30-day money-back guarantee how can you go wrong?
Because of our work together, I’m one of the top advisors on a national level. “”
Carl Thoenen
Financial Advisor
Hazelwood, MO
Still unsure?
How about something for nothing to see if this is the program for you?
Here are 4 FREE tools that will convince you that this is the plan that will finally give you the success you need:
- Complete the Plan · Practice · Profit ™ Scorecard.
- Check out these Client Testimonials.
- Attend this FREE One Page Business Plan Webinar
- Schedule a complimentary telephone coaching session with Simon Reilly or call 250 248-6012.