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#NAIFA Performance + Purpose San Antonio Conference Review

“So, was the conference good for you? Did the conference meet your expectations? Are you going to be able to make money out of this thing?”

These are questions that we are asked over the course of the September 13-16 2018 #NAIFA Performance + Purpose San Antonio Conference.

Right now it’s 8pm ET on Sunday, September 16th and I’m on a flight to Ottawa from San Antonio via Toronto. My beloved Laura is on a flight to Vancouver and then Nanaimo from Toronto. We will reconnect on Friday, September 21st in Victoria to celebrate Laura’s Mother, Helen’s Birthday.

Back to business.

Of course we have the following calculated projections and without too much detail;

  • Number of interested/qualified conversations we expect at a conference
  • Number of scheduled telephone conversations after the conference
  • Number of clients

The irony is that even though we work with financial services professionals to meet and exceed their goals; it can’t be about the money.

Our outcome is to serve the wellbeing of every heart and soul that we are in communication with.

If we are in our heads running through the numbers of how many conversations we need to have per hour to meet our goals … which could lead to “oh my gosh, how much did the airfare, hotel, meals and sponsorship cost?” … which could lead to “ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! we are paying 30% more because of the Canadian dollar”; we may as well stay home on Vancouver Island.

We must be in our hearts to serve the wellbeing of every heart and soul that we are in communication with; it is about adding value versus being consumed with getting our needs met.

Being in our hearts also allows us to experience the appreciation, character, compassion, honesty, integrity, kindness, love, professionalism, respect and wisdom that are exhibited by the extraordinary board, members and staff of NAIFA.

The NAIFA Performance + Purpose San Antonio Conference was our 7th NAIFA National Conference and our experience was extraordinary. Since 2011, NAIFA has created the opportunity for me to speak at over 40 NAIFA State Conferences / Membership Workshops / Sales Congresses. The San Antonio Conference created the opportunity for us to reconnect with clients/friends that we have not seen in years. We heard our clients/friends share their remarkable stories of success and visitors to our booth got to see, hear and experience these same stories. There were times when we just stepped back and let our clients/friends do the talking. There were times when booth visitors were looking back at us after what our clients/friends shared and said, “Is this for real?”

Our exhibit booth was busy non stop and we were on our feet from start to finish, talking with friends and making new friends – still going, an hour after the exhibit hall closed the first day.

In closing, we offer this affirmation as a result of attending the #NAIFA P+P 2018 in San Antonio;

May all NAIFA members be inspired by their values and feelings to help themselves and their clients to create a vision & plan to grow assets, protect assets, save tax and leave a lifelong legacy.

Thank you #NAIFA! We look forward to seeing you all next year at our 8th NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference 2019 in Orlando.

Simon & Laura Reilly

