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NAIFA New Member Enrollment Script

K. Mark Spears, CLU, LUTCF, ChFC
K. Mark Spears, CLU, LUTCF, ChFC
President NAIFA Ohio 2015/2016

I was honored to have the opportunity to facilitate the NAIFA Ohio Leadership Conference on February 24th, 2016. My presentation included a NAIFA New Member Enrollment Script which is below.

My facilitation included this follow up e-mail that I sent to the attendees.

There is an expression; “If it is going to be it is up to me”. Decide to make a difference, lead from the front, demonstrate by example, take action and share your work on the Membership Storey, Values, Feelings, Beliefs and Affirmation / Goal Assignments that we completed with your fellow NAIFA Ohio Leadership Conference Attendees.

As you know, NAIFA’s role is to advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, enhance business and professional skills, and promote the ethical conduct of our members. May these Follow Up Actions Steps assist you to enroll new members honoring all of the NAIFA member benefits. While advocating for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, remember, sell new members what they want and give them what they need.

On my end, I’m going to continue my research to make the NAIFA Leadership Conference and The Membership Conversation Facilitation even better with a view to making a difference on both a National and State level. I welcome the invitation to provide a follow up Webinar via GoToMeeting so please let me know what you would like the next steps to be.

Follow Up Actions Steps

  • Decide to make a difference, lead from the front, demonstrate by example, take action and share your work on the Membership Storey, Values, Feelings, Beliefs and Affirmation / Goal Assignments that we completed with your fellow NAIFA Ohio Leadership Conference Attendees.
  • Complete your Affirmation / Goals Assignment based upon your Values, Feelings and Beliefs that you documented as a result of writing your Membership Storey. Completing this will provide you more certainty, confidence and conviction in both your business and personal lives.
  • Research and write out why NAIFA members are more successful and why NAIFA members make more money than non-NAIFA members.
  • Write a 7 line storey about a new NAIFA member that you were responsible for enrolling and include the difference that being a NAIFA member has made for the new NAIFA member in both their business and personal lives. Another approach to writing this storey is meeting with the new NAIFA member and ask them the following questions and document their answers. This process will help you to magnify your WHY, your Values, Feelings and Beliefs that are at the core of your reasons for being a NAIFA member.
  • What do you like best about NAIFA?
  • What have you received that you did not expect as a result of being a NAIFA member?
  • What are the three biggest improvements that you have been able to make in your business life as a result of joining NAIFA?
  • What are the three biggest improvements that you have been able to make in your personal life as a result of joining NAIFA?
  • Practice and Deliver the NAIFA New Member Enrollment Script and Report the following Results to your NAIFA Ohio Leadership Conference Attendees;
  • Calls
  • Conversations
  • New Members

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.

Simon Reilly

Thank you so much, Simon, for coming to Columbus and for your “ON TARGET” presentation to our local association leadership!  You vividly demonstrated that the same elements that assure a successful sales career will also help them recruit new members into their association!  Despite no breaks during your two hour presentation, no one left the room and the standing ovation said it all!

Thanks again for sharing your time and talents!

David W. Field, CAE
Executive Vice President

NAIFA New Member Enrollment Script

Tell me about your business …

  • What got you into the business?
  • Why do you do it?
  • How long have you been in the business?
  • What is your specialty? ( life, money, financial planning, group, LTC/DI )
  • Do you have a business plan?
  • On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the highest, where do you rate yourself as being the best at managing your time?
  • On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the highest, where do you rate yourself as being the best at delegation?
  • Tell me about your marketing plan?
  • On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the highest, where do you rate yourself as being the best at asking for referrals?
  • What are the three biggest improvements that you would like to make to your business?
  • What are the three biggest roadblocks that you are facing in your business?
  • Which ones of these items are the most important to you?

Based on what you have told me, you want to improve upon                                      ,                                            and                                     and eliminate                                     ,                                     and                                                       I believe that being a NAIFA member can help you to improve through the following ways:

  • __________
  • __________
  • __________

Based on what I have told you, can you see the benefits of being a NAIFA member and would you be willing to make the investment of $                                                      so that you can improve upon                                                       ,                                     and                                                       and eliminate                                     , ______ and                                   ?