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What Do Members Of An Association Need & Want?

It’s Sunday, June 4th and Laura and I are on day 1 of a 21-day road trip en route between Vancouver and Chicago.

I am speaking on inspiration, leadership and planning and presenting a separate workshop on membership at the 2017 State Conferences of;

  • NAIFA Indiana – June 4 – 6
  • NAIFA Florida – June 15 – 18
  • NAIFA Illinois- June 21 – 22

I’m feeling blessed that Laura is joining me on this trip, and we will be enjoying some downtime in Orlando, Florida rather than flying back and forth from the west coast.

I’ve been investing time over the past few weeks refining the 2017 membership workshop version that I first presented for NAIFA Ohio in early 2016 which was followed by membership workshops in mid-2016 for NAIFA New Mexico and NAIFA Iowa. Some of the content is in the new NAIFA Membership Sales System.

Refining just like The Edge of U2 rehearsing in advance of going out on tour to get notes and the timing right.

Refining the membership workshop to be on point with; What Do Members Of An Association Need & Want?

To be on point here are a few reflections;

  • The Elements Of Needs & Wants
  • The Difference Between Needs & Wants
  • Values, Vision, Purpose & Mission

The Elements Of Needs & Wants

The Elements of Needs & Wants
These side-by-side comparisons of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Pyramid and Bain and Company’s The Elements Of Value Pyramid demonstrate;

  • basic needs are at the lower portions of the pyramids.
  • self-actualization / self-transcendence are at the top of the pyramids.


The Elements of Value Pyramid
These side-by-side comparisons of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Pyramid and Bain and Company’s The Elements Of Value Pyramid demonstrate;
Based on the following definitions it would stand to reason that the more needless, less wanting and more values based, a person is, the more a person is self-actualized / self-transcended and in a position to help themselves and those that they serve.

  • self-actualized – represents growth of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs; those for meaning in life, in particular.
  • self-transcendence – the overcoming of the limits of the individual self and its desires in spiritual contemplation and realization.



The Difference Between Needs & Wants

Something that you need is a requirement, but many of us treat our needs as our wants and make them optional. If you have a need for appreciation, or a need for touch or a need to be heard and you don’t take that seriously and get all that you need, you’re treating it more as an option or a want, and that missing need will consume much of your time. When the need is met, you’ll find that the wants naturally diminish. So instead of focusing on what you want, establish what you need and you’ll have more time as a result. 

It is my view that there is no person, possession or thing that will meet your needs from the outside, they must be met from within.

Until unmet needs are met, they will continue to fuel negative emotions and beliefs. Example; an unmet need of safety will fuel emotions of anxiety and fear and a belief; I am not safe, fuelling the law of attraction in a negative way.

When unmet needs are met our true values shine through. Example; a value of inspiration will fuel feelings of confidence and strength and a belief; I am energizing, fuelling the law of attraction in a positive way.

One last thing; values will be dominated by unmet needs until the unmet needs are identified and met.

Values, Vision, Purpose & Mission

The above integrates with the following example of our Values, Vision, Purpose & Mission. https://leadingadvisor.com/about-leading-advisor/

90% of Success is about WHY you do what you do and 10% of Success is about How & What you do and WHY comes from Values, Vision, Purpose & Mission.

The membership workshop that I am delivering is called; Magnify Your Association & Business Passion, Vision, Purpose & Mission – Clear Your Roadblocks to Recruiting More Advisors, Agents, Clients & Members.

Whether one wants more success in recruiting more advisors, agents, clients or members, the membership workshop will help the attendees to magnify their WHY and reconnect and affirm their values, feelings and beliefs to meet and exceed their goals. The How & What become far more sustainable with a strong WHY.