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Low-Cost Internal Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors

Internal marketing strategies for financial advisors are crucial; one of the most important assets of your business is the people that work there. They’re the ones that create the desired office environment, leave impressions with current and potential clients, as well as hold their own network of potential referrals.

Marketing your company internally can help you achieve important goals like reducing employee turnover, increasing brand awareness, or adding revenue. As a result, the company’s culture is strengthened, and its goal is more aligned at all levels. Above all, employees that believe in their company are happier. With the proper training, you can help your employees become excellent brand ambassadors both online and offline.


Internal Marketing strategies for Financial Advisors

You’ve definitely heard of marketing before, but did you know there’s a difference between internal and external marketing?

Internal marketing is a term used to describe the measures taken by a business to communicate its vision and goals to its employees. These strategies are driven by objectives like increasing employee satisfaction and loyalty or bringing in referrals. Employees can serve as brand ambassadors by participating in internal marketing campaigns.

Internal and external marketing should work together, yet each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the end, your firm and its goal should benefit from both internal and external activities.

In addition to your external marketing efforts, you’ll have a well-thought-out internal marketing strategy in place. When employees have a stronger feeling of purpose and belonging at work, they are more productive and better able to meet client needs. Internal marketing also encourages collaboration by promoting information exchange, which helps ensure that clients receive the best possible service.

So, how do we create excitement about your vision with the people who will be helping you broadcast that to your current and potential clients? Read on for 3 examples of low-cost internal marketing strategies for financial advisors.


3 Examples of Low-Cost Internal Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors

Financial advisors and other industries have seen The Great Resignation affect fantastic employees who leave for another venture. If you’re not engaging your staff and giving them a sense of purpose in their work, it’s understandable how they could easily be swayed.

You’ll want to share your vision, mission, and purpose for the business from the start. This can help the new hire feel like they’re part of something while also engaging with current and potential clients in a way that’s aligned with your goals. It all starts with their first day.


Onboarding process

Congratulations! Onboarding means you’ve found the right fit to help serve your clients.

It’s time for you to guide them through the first few weeks in the office (even virtually), ensuring that they have all the necessary information. Employers with a successful onboarding process boost new hire retention by 82% and productivity by 70%.

Avoid doing it with a cumbersome slew of Google Docs, though. This is great for storing instructions on specific tasks but not a warm welcome. Your new team member may not want to read it until a task requires it, making it a waste of everyone’s time.

To help them through their first week, you may create an internal marketing email series for them to read. You can talk about things like:


  • The mission and vision of the firm.
  • The purpose of your product or service.
  • Client success stories.
  • This history of the firm and how it began.


A great way to foster a relationship with a new hire is by sending an email every other day for the first two weeks. You can automate this process with an email scheduler. You can use it for free in Outlook or Gmail or schedule it in Mailchimp or Convertkit.

This can be done for every new hire to ensure everyone is aligned with the purpose, vision, mission, and any other important business details. While day-to-day operations are crucial, mindset and a sense of belonging can propel it to another level.


Social Media

Social media has revolutionized marketing in the last 10 years or so. Previously, unless you recruited a spokesperson, famous movie star or well-known athlete, your brand was unlikely to reach a larger audience than the majority of your staff. Many of your employees now have big social media followings, which you may reach out to through internal marketing.

The first stage is to entice staff to use social media to promote the brand. The best way to do this is to make it easy for them.

If your employees aren’t already posting regularly on their accounts, provide them with some guidance on how to do so by providing them with online tutorials (ghostwrite social media posts they can copy and paste, for example).

You’ll also want to ensure that your most enthusiastic employees are aware of your external marketing strategy and brand messaging. Reward them for their brand promotion on internal communication channels, bonding activities, or with a team lunch to show them that they’re essential to your goal (which they are).

Incentives are sometimes used to motivate staff, but this approach is less effective than building genuine relationships with your workforce. When chatting with staff about social media, be sure to include the benefit that a certain post could have on a friend or family member. For example, if your firm had a recent infographic on compound interest and investing in your 20s vs. 30s, get your staff excited about sharing the news on how to help their niece or nephew get rich.


Ongoing communication – write like a marketer.

You’ve hammered down what you’re trying to express. The next step is to figure out how you’ll get that message through internally.

One of the most significant distinctions between internal and external marketing is distribution. Internal messages are unlikely to be sent through the same public channels. You wouldn’t necessarily share company policy changes the same way to staff as you would to a client.

Creating a company newsletter, even if it’s just to get into the habit for 1-2 staff members, can be a great way to keep everyone up to date in an exciting way. Don’t keep the typical business tone, but make it exciting. Feel like you have nothing to say? Here are 9 ideas for your next internal email or newsletter.

  1. Event announcements
  2. Revenue updates
  3. Internal policy changes
  4. Awards
  5. Interesting industry articles
  6. Your latest blog posts
  7. Upcoming holidays and days off
  8. Client success stories
  9. How-to blogs

Your employees are an integral part of your firm’s growth and the future of your clients’ relationships with their financial advisors. You can’t be a leader that truly connects with them unless you are aligned with the vision and goals. If you haven’t developed a business plan, you should start there first. It doesn’t have to be a 50-page document stored in a hard-cover binder. The simpler, the better. Leading Advisor helps financial advisors craft a One Page Business Plan they can easily convey to their employees. Contact us to get your internal marketing strategy aligned with your vision for your business.