A very restful weekend and one of the best that we have had in many months as major projects are drawing to a close. Laura and I had time together, watched a couple of videos, went for a bike ride around the seawall and played ball with Chase.
I’m looking forward to the week ahead that is filled with coaching calls, a values workshop, a values & behaviors assessment debriefing with a new client and 2 new client opening conversations – Living The Vision.
I can see the day when the “3 – 1 hour coaching calls per month” style coaching will be sold out as I will only work with 20 clients at a time.
A thought came to me over the weekend about offering a new coaching format that will include; 24/7 E-Mail Coaching, an Automated E-Coaching Reporting System, Call In Days and Group Coaching Teleclasses.
I am hoping that we will complete the Web Site Public Speaking Page Upgrades this week so that we can move forward with;
– Marketing Public Speaking
– E-Marketing
– “Being” An Advisor Writing
– “Being” An Advisor Product Development
We will be publishing the May 1st “More Profit & More Time” E-Newsletter on Tuesday, May 3rd.
International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You