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June E-Newsletter Topics ( Possibilities )

It’s 9:00am on Wednesday morning and I have an unusual free morning ahead of me as some of my clients are away at a Manulife Conference and it gives me the opportunity to complete my June E-Newsletter. I’m doing this now as I have two speaking presentations the week of June 16th and I want to make the weekend of the 21st – 22nd a long weekend as we have been going flat out for a while.

To get myself focused I am using this blog to list all of the possible E-Newsletter Articles for June so that I can keep them in one place and then pick and choose.

Having completed this list of 43 Titles of E-Newsletter Articles I can see that we could easily increase the frequency back to an E-Newsletter Twice A Month versus Once A Month as we have ample content.

The theory behind an E-Newsletter Twice A Month is that even though E-Newsletter readers only read a E-Newsletter once every three to four months, by sending an E-Newsletter Twice A Month then the E-Newsletter would get read every two to three months.

June E-Newsletter Topics ( Possibilities )

1. 60 Month Retirement
2. A Client Checks In While I Am Writing How To Thrive In A Recession
3. Advocis Schools
4. Art Schooley
5. Attention From The Media!
6. Beyond Belief
7. Bill Bishop
8. Book Marketing
9. Book Workbook / Letter To My Editor
10. Business Ramp Meter
11. Branding & The Cure
12. Canada Life Bear Mountain / Attracting Life Insurance Referrals From Within Your IDA Company
13. Clearing Your Roadblocks To Hiring
14. Client Marketing Letters
15. Client Openings
16. Client PMS
17. Coaching & Manure
18. Curing The Unmet Needs Disease Prospect Calls
19. Dear Seth
20. FORUM Seeks Your Input
21. How To Thrive In A Recession PowerPoint Story Board
22. Jo-Anne McArthur Photos
23. IFB Speaking Testimonials
24. If You Want Something Different
25. It’s A Fulfillment House
26. Lots Of Giggling & Laughter
27. Make A Trip Out Of It
28. Money’s Too Tight To Mention
29. Psychosuccession™
30. Pull Versus Push Marketing
31. Radial Head Fracture
32. Reaffirming The Vision Is Working
33. Referral Audio
34. Referral Letter
35. Seagulls
36. Summer Plans
37. Speaker Crossing Paths
38. Speaking Marketing Page Upgrade
39. The Elite Advisor
40. Velocitize
41. What Every Good Marketer Knows
42. Why Are You Addicted To Futurists?
43. Your Job Is Not To Be A Financial Advisor

May E-Newsletter Topics Completed

• Are You Really Interested In Your Success?
• Four Percent Of The Audience
• How To Thrive In A Recession
• How’s Business?
• Maintaining A Steady Stream Of Consciousness
• Pay For Their Gas
• Removing Your Roadblocks To Campaign
• Signing Off The Proposal With Testimonials
• Stop Your Motor Running
• The Cure For The Unmet Needs Disease Introduction
• We Hired An Editor! 🙂