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July E-Newsletter Topics ( Possibilities )

My draft of my June E-Newsletter is complete and I am just posting this blog as a reminder of the list of articles that I can write about in July which are left over from the June E-Newsletter Topics ( Possibilities ).

1. 60 Month Retirement
2. A Client Checks In While I Am Writing How To Thrive In A Recession
3. Art Schooley
4. Beyond Belief
5. Bill Bishop
6. Book Marketing
7. Book Workbook / Letter To My Editor
8. Canada Life Bear Mountain / Attracting Life Insurance Referrals From Within Your IDA Company
9. Clearing Your Roadblocks To Hiring
10. Client Marketing Letters
11. Dear Seth
12. FORUM Seeks Your Input
13. How To Thrive In A Recession PowerPoint Story Board
14. If You Want Something Different
15. Make A Trip Out Of It
16. Psychosuccession™
17. Referral Audio
18. Referral Letter
19. Seagulls
20. Summer Plans
21. Speaker Crossing Paths
22. Velocitize
23. What Every Good Marketer Knows
24. Why Are You Addicted To Futurists?
25. Your Job Is Not To Be A Financial Advisor