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Inspiration vs. Motivation

What Is The Difference Between Inspiration and Motivation?

To inspire is to influence, to move or guide from within. Motivation is flawed at the core. If you look it up in Webster’s Dictionary it says, to come from a place of fear, need and desire. Think about it. A person has to come from fear and need and desire to be motivated. Does it sound like it’s sustainable? The answer is no. It is not sustainable in the long run.

To influence, to move or to guide from within is about Inspiration and it’s about knowing what your Values are, and I contend that most North Americans do not know what their Values are. They do not know what their Values are, and they don’t know the difference between a Value and an Unmet Need.

When you know what your Inspiration is all about and you know what your Values are, then you have sustainable vision and Inspiration that’s pulling you forward from the inside out and you thrive, versus on the other side, motivation is based on needs. It’s unsustainable. You’re in a fog. You’re surviving. Your motivation is up and down. Why is this going on? Eventually one starts thinking, what’s wrong with me?

I contend there is nothing wrong. There is an absence of understanding. That is it. We do not understand our operating system from the inside out. It’s an absence of understanding. Inspiration is based upon Values. Why am I so adamant about this? Because Values drive Positive Feelings and Positive Belief systems. Unmet Needs on the other hand, drive Negative Emotions and Negative Beliefs. And again, it’s unsustainable.

There’s an expression. Values are like turtles; they only come out when it’s safe. Values will be dominated by Unmet Needs if you do not understand these Unmet Needs.