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How to Find The Inspiration to Write a Blog Post that Generates Leads

This blog post segues off of a great blog post by Advisorwebsites.com entitled; How to Write a Blog Post that Generates Leads.

Scroll down to the bottom of this blog for the link to Advisorwebsites.com blog that talks about;

  • How to Write an Engaging Blog Post Title 
  • Incorporate Keywords
  • Writing Tips: Essentials First
  • Sharing your Blog on Social Media 
  • How They Can help!

PS – Full Disclosure; I am not receiving compensation from Advisorwebsites.com for writing this.

I came across the Advisorwebsites.com blog while looking for blogging content and inspiration.

I wrote my first blog back in 2004 and I’ve been absent from blogging since mid 2019 investing the time in a new online course, speaking marketing and website. So I am looking for inspiration to write about what financial advisor professionals want to read about. Plus this will help me to find my blogging and vlogging voice.

Here is what I am doing to develop blog content and inspiration so that my blogs are topical to the financial services profession;

  • Research Canadian, UK and USA financial services professionals publications.
  • Research the publications for content and titles that I can write about
  • Write
  • Publish

Why am I approaching blogging in this way?

This segues off of a TEDx Talk on; How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes;

Adam Leipzig suggests asking these 5 questions to know your life’s purpose and that the first two are about yourself and the last three are about others;

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you love to do? (Can you tell I like research and writing? It is like communion.)
  3. Who do you do it for?
  4. What do those people want and need?
  5. How will people change as a result of the work that you do?

You know the expression; What is the sound of one hand clapping? Trying to write a blog without answering the above 3 – 5 questions lacks inspiration for me.

So wrapping up, the list of publications and content and titles are below. Here is the link to the Advisorwebsites.com blog entitled; How to Write a Blog Post that Generates Leads.

Here is the list of Canadian, UK and USA financial services professionals publications that I am researching;

  1. Advisor’s Edge: https://www.advisor.ca/magazine-archives/
  2. Advisors Magazine: http://www.advisorsmagazine.com/finance
  3. Financial Adviser: https://www.ftadviser.com/brand/financial-adviser
  4. Financial Advisor Magazine https://www.fa-mag.com/
  5. Financial Planning Magazine https://www.financial-planning.com/magazine/
  6. Financial Planning Today: https://www.financialplanningtoday.co.uk/fp-today-magazine
  7. Finance Monthly: https://www.finance-monthly.com/
  8. IFA Magazine: https://ifamagazine.com/magazine-issues/
  9. Investment Advisor: https://www.thinkadvisor.com/investment-advisor/current-issue/
  10. Investment Executive: https://www.investmentexecutive.com/
  11. InvestmentNews.com: https://www.investmentnews.com/
  12. Investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/financial-advisor-4427709
  13. Journal of Financial Planning: https://www.onefpa.org/journal/Pages/default.aspx
  14. Research Magazine: https://www.thinkadvisor.com/research-magazine/issue-gallery/
  15. Riabiz: https://riabiz.com/
  16. Wealth Professional: https://www.wealthprofessional.ca/e-magazine

Here is the list of content and titles that I will be writing;

  • advisor diary
  • attracting people who strive
  • build your book with your client’s adult children
  • client review meetings
  • company culture
  • elevator speech
  • employee happiness
  • fee-for-service
  • human advisor versus robo advisor
  • higher income versus less stress
  • keeping clients inspired
  • leadership
  • scaling your business
  • strong advisor-client relationship
  • succession planning
  • team meetings
  • understanding client behaviours
  • value proposition
  • work life balance

Next step is to start to write and publish.