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How many pay days do you have left?

The British Medical Association recently completed a study and determined that health care professionals that sold their practice at 65 years of age lived an average of 18 months while those that sold their practice at 60 years of age went on to live an average of 18 years.

So if 60 is the retirement goal –

And given that there are 12 months per year and 2 paydays per month, there are 24 paydays per year –

So if you are:

40 you have 20 years x 24 paydays – you have 480 paydays to get it right.
45 you have 15 years x 24 paydays – you have 360 paydays to get it right.
50 you have 10 years x 24 paydays – you have 240 paydays to get it right.
55 you have 5 years x 24 paydays – you have 120 paydays to get it right.
