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Goal Close But Not Met

Sunrise on Saturday morning from the deck of a BC Ferry heading towards Horseshow Bay on the Mainland Of British Columbia.

4pm, Saturday, October 13, 2007

Laura and I went to visit my mother Irene on Saturday. Irene is doing well and is in excellent health.

On the way we have to two 30 – 45 minute Ferry line ups and 90 minute Ferry rides so there was plenty of additional time to work on my book.

I am not going to meet my goal of having the book “editor ready” by October 15th but I am extremely close.

Again, here is the final list that I am working on and I made excellent progress on these on Saturday.
• Paste the Power Point audio text and Power Point slides together. I could paste all of this into the Book Document although this may confuse the editor. It is best to leave this as a side by side document so the editor can compare it to the Book Document.
• Add Segments from the Power Point audio text and Power Point slides Document to the Book Document
• Paste new Power Point Slides into the book. This is because new Power Points have been created since May 2007 which is when the Power Point audio text was created which I have been matching the articles to
• Create “Notes To The Editor” to get them through the 212 pages in the rough draft of the book.
While the editor goes to work I will be working on the following;
• Create a Workbook which is really an enhancement of the last articles in the Book Document
• Collect and add in client testimonials
• There is more to add into these steps and this will wait till after the Book Document has gone to the editor
The bottom line is I feel so energized with the completion of the book goal of being “editor ready” as close as it is. The completion of the indexing of all of my articles to the Power Point audio text was an enormous project and with this out of the way, the work on the book will be easy as it is all a refinement from here on in.

I’ll have to leave the book for a little while as I will be busy with work with clients for the week of October 15th.