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Financial Planning For Dentists

Here is an excerpt out of Chris Barrow’s Confidence Club E-Newsletter which demonstrates a very savvy UK Financial Advisor that Niche Markets to Doctors & Dentists.

“Hi Chris,

It’s been a long time in the making so I’m delighted to let you know that you can now request a copy of our new printed format quarterly publication – ‘On Track’.

It’s written for all UK resident doctors and dentists and will include new content and ideas each issue to help you plan your financial future (we’ll still be publishing the ‘Financial Tips’ email newsletter).  

In our usual style, there’s no charge for it so you’d be mad not to grab a copy!

Just click on the link to request your copy:

Kind Regards,”

Ray Prince & Graeme Urwin
Financial Planners
Rutherford Wilkinson ltd

0191 2173340