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Financial Planner Speaking – Just Another 23 Hour Day

I’m catching a flight ( I intend  that the plane is going to take off in the fog ) at 9:30am PT from Nanaimo to Edmonton via Vancouver on Monday morning.  I’ll be tele-coaching from Edmonton on Monday and Tuesday morning, speaking at Pro-Seminars in Edmonton Tuesday afternoon and then fly on to Winnipeg where I will be tele-coaching on Wednesday morning and speaking as Pro-Seminars and returning home on Wednesday afternoon.

I wrote this blog entry starting at 2:23pm ET on Friday, January 16th in the Kingston, ON airport.

I’m awaiting a 4pm flight to Toronto and then on to Vancouver.  We vetoed the Air Canada flight from Vancouver to Nanaimo in favour of a Central Mountain Air flight to Comox as many flights are cancelled due to the fog.

Entered Monday morning, January 19th Both the Nanaimo and Comox flights were cancelled due to fog and I wound up taking a BC Ferry at 10:45pm PT … I didn’t get home until 2am PT / 5am ET on Saturday morning … given I woke up at 6am ET in Kingston, that is a 23 hour day.

My financial advisor speaking presentation to the Advocis Chapter Bay Of Quinte must have been a hit as I sold all the books that I had with me save for one.

By the time this is posted it will be Monday morning and I will have had two days off away from the business and at home with Laura and I am really looking forward to this.

As I was waiting for my Thursday, January 15th flight to Kingston from Toronto, it dawned on me how much progress we have made in the first two full working weeks of 2009.

I recommend that one takes the time to give thanks in writing and I’m using the blog to do just that;

  • In advance of 2009, I Finished The Year With An Empty Head and I cleanup up my office, archived files and through away out of date files
  • Laura and I completed our 2009 planning process on January 2nd & 3rd and you can read about how we did it in A Strong Start For 2009
  • I’m using the Empty My Head Process and the Week At A Glance Time Managment systems
  • All our clients are off to A Strong Start For 2009 through the best service possible
  • All Advocis chapters, life insurance companies and managing general agencies have been contacted about financial advisor speaking presentations
  • We are starting the year with significantly more Advocis, life insurance company and managing general agency financial advisor speaking bookings
  • We are on the short list for many major financial advisor speaking events
  • We are committed to selling out the 12 remaining financial advisor speaking dates that we have left for 2009 by March 31, 2009
  • We have 500 Curing The Unmet Needs Disease books in print
  • My book has been sent to every financial advisor publications that I could find in Canada, the UK and the US and I want two articles, book reviews or mentions in their what’s new section as a result of our work
  • We continue to contribute to Advisor.ca and A Strong Start For 2009 was published on January 2nd and I’m told we made the January edition of The Insurance Journal
  • I have a draft / outline of the new live coaching workshop that I am working on I want to attract four sponsored workshops with 20 attendees each in 2009
  • We continue to enhance our web 2.0 marketing that includes web improvements, e-newsletters, blogging and key words.

As a result of stopping to acknowledge what we are accomplishing we confirm what we want to attract and the results that we want to accomplish and I feel certain and confident about 2009.