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Financial Advisor “Very Personal” Coaching

In the coaching business, they say that a client will bring the coach something that the coach has already personally dealt with, something that the coach is currently dealing with or something that the coach has never dealt with.

I am fortunate that I have twenty years of experience and it isn’t that often that a client brings me something that I have never dealt with.

This is the fifth time this week that I have experienced something like this client wrote on their Coaching Call Client Prep Form – The Challenges And Problems I Am Facing Now; “my mother’s health/aging”.

I’m going through my own personal experience along with my clients in “real time”.

This is no different than what financial advisors are going through with their clients and the financial advisor is the generator adding energy, insight and time to their clients and they continue to pour this energy out to their clients through countless extension cords.

Some financial advisors recharge their batteries through financial advisor coaching.

Here is what one of our clients and readers had to say;

Hi Laura and Simon,

I meant to mention this on the phone with Laura this morning; my heart goes out to your both in regards to your Mother’s and their health issues.  You both have so much happening in your business life; it’s not easy trying to stay focused when you have something tugging at your heart like that.  I enjoy reading your blog Simon and I think it’s great that you’ve not only shared this personal part of your life but also that you are handling it in such a positive way.  I think it’s important for others to be reminded that over indulging in caffeine, alcohol, what have you to help a person though a personal and emotional transition like this is not a healthy way to approach it.  I also think its great (and encouraging) that you’ve found a peaceful and “a thankful heart” in walking through this together, allowing the experience to have a healthy place in your lives.  Some people just need to hear “evidence” that you can approach life this way and it doesn’t need to rock your world and send your life off kilter when “things happen” that we would rather not happen.  Thank you for sharing your personal feelings and how you are both dealing with this very emotional situation.

Glenda   🙂

We drove down to Victoria on Wednesday evening to visit with Laura’s mom Helen and to stay the night. I’m speaking at Advocis Victoria on Thursday morning.  It took two years of knocking on the door to create this opportunity.