What’s Your Ugly Speaking Testimonials from Equitable Life Leaders Conference – Paradise Island, The Bahamas – April 20, 2012
“Touching base with our consciousness theme. I have a new action plan.”
Margaret Janecki
“I like the idea of building around what you are doing that works and what you need to be doing, with a focus on the team and no B and C clients.”
Kathleen van den Berg
Equitable Life
“The presentation was good and I enjoyed your energy. I do the A, B, C, and D client segmentation but it is still a good review.”
R. Wayne Gray
“We received an easy template business plan process. I liked the potential demonstrated in the website action steps.”
Adrian Boyko
Equitable Life
“I liked the vision and mission plan and we received the action plans.”
Tina Ho
Assetplus Financial Services Inc.
“The presentation got me thinking – I wrote down questions and points. I expected to get some ideas and got them.”
Russ Smart
IDC Insurance Direct Canada Inc.
“I enjoyed the idea that running a business is art not science. The presentation provided good reviews and practical methods.”
Dawn Zhou
“I received some great planning ideas. I enjoyed how straightforward the presentation was.”
Ken Steele
KS Financial Solutions
“It was an informative presentation and we received the vision statement.”
Michael Esmailzadeh
MAE World Financial Services Inc.