Clear Your Roadblocks Speaking Testimonials from Advocis Winnipeg – Winnipeg, MB – April 13, 2011
“Made me think about writing goals again.”
Shawn Bjornsson
Viking Financial
“It helped me understand some of the things I am dealing with that I didn’t consciously know. Simon gave the plain truth.”
Shayne Smith
London Life
“Easy to follow, upbeat, and to the point!”
Mario DiFonzo
Prime Financial Group
“Awareness of your inner powers, in a very detailed form. There was a prompt offer of materials at no charge.”
Casimiro Rodrigues
Manulife Securities
“Good discussion on how unmet needs limit life.”
Richard Fillion
“Simon was engaging the whole time. Definitely not a droning speaker! Inspirational.”
Paul Krestanowich
Holland Financial
“Focused on business planning and presented potential business planning tools.”
James Kirk
Sweatman Insurance & Retirement Services
“Lively. Good insight on how unmatched needs affect your success in business and in your personal life.”
Bonnie Siemens
Investors Group
“I appreciated the deeper discussion on the difference between values and the unmet needs.”
Jeff Gerwing
Freedom 55 Financial
“A different take on the root of our problems—internal unmet needs. A very easy to understand way of framing what keeps us from greater success. I understand the importance of short-term planning (90 days).”
Emily Burt
Cardinal Capital Management
“Simon has passion and showed me changes I need to make. I have a sense of renewed enthusiasm.”
Ron Malech
Cardinal Capital Management
“Excellent presentation.”
Lorne Dell
Lorne Dell Financial
“The presentation forced me to focus on what I want to be doing in the business and that I should be consistent with my core values. I understand the need for a business plan.”
Grant McPhail
MGI Financial Services
“Simon has an enthusiastic approach and shows sincerity and commitment. I appreciate the value of a 90-day plan and have a renewed commitment.
Heather Collingridge
“Simon had my attention. Interesting. I have new reasons to plan.”
Dawn Smook
Wawanesa Life
“Enthusiastic. I remembered important things about myself that I had forgotten, accomplishments from the past. I understand the need for 90-day goals.”
Donna Winston
Wawanesa Life
“Great enthusiasm, insight and positive energy. Confirmed my focus.”
Eileen Jennings
Daystar Financial Group
“Simon was honest and truthful about our business and why we don’t do what we are supposed to be doing each day.”
Ashmead Khan
Wellington West Financial Services Inc.
“Reinforced what I know I should do. Lively and entertaining presentation.”
Henry Penner
Henry J. Penner Financial
“Mr. Reilly did a wonderful job of reinforcing the importance of a written 5 y ear business plan and the need and importance of asking for referrals in a tactful, professional manner. He made reference to many great authors and leaders.”
Mellany Saindon
Canada Life
“Different angle on a common topic. Inspirational.”
Dave Holt
Harrow Partners Ltd.
“I found the presentation very information. I really enjoyed listening to Simon and learning more ways to help build my business. Great information on how to ask for referrals and to journal. I appreciated the information on how to stay positive and become successful.”
Kristen Webster
Edmund Financial Group
“Simon made me rethink my plans and attitude.”
Brian Van Ryckeghem
MGI Wealth
“Simon presented old school ideas with a modern touch. Simplistic and useable ideas.”
Paul Cloutier
Paul Cloutier Financial Ltd.