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NAIFA Membership Workshop

NAIFA Membership Workshop
5+ years as a NAIFA member attending NAIFA Local & State Board meetings & speaking at 40+ NAIFA Conferences along with coaching NAIFA Leaders combined with 25+ years of coaching and sales training experience has given me a unique and outside perspective to successfully deliver 2016 NAIFA Member Workshops for NAIFA Ohio, New Mexico and Iowa.

Here is what the NAIFA Membership Workshop includes;

  • Inspire both your association and business increasing membership, recruitment and sales – this NAIFA Membership Workshop is transparent to both the association and your business
  • Lead prospective members into NAIFA enrollment with a thought leading membership script
  • Help prospective NAIFA member’s get associated to their WHY, helping them to easily see the value in becoming a NAIFA member
  • Walk away with a Values Based Goal Setting System that will reignite your values, positive feelings and beliefs about the business
  • Create Membership Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Action Plans
  • Discover, Connect to your Values, Feelings and Beliefs at the core of WHY are you a member of NAIFA – the core of your membership plan
  • Understand the difference between ‘How can we make membership care more?’ and ‘How can we care more about membership?’
  • Refocus leadership and commitment to make a difference to all that you serve
  • Understand that when leaders become more passionate, members and clients become more passionate
  • Remember that 90% of successful NAIFA membership enrollment is about the prospective NAIFA member’s WHY
  • Understand that NAIFA members and prospective NAIFA members want to know what is in it for them
  • Learn when to tell your NAIFA story as prospective NAIFA members are more interested in what is in being a NAIFA member for them

The above will assist you with the following;

  • Inspire leadership, members and prospective members to come to NAIFA meetings
  • What you will learn will be transparent to helping you create more client meetings
  • Breakthrough the barriers and increase membership, LiLi participation and IFAPAC contributions
  • Create a strategy to increase the pilot members value proposition
  • Convert the pilot members to long-term paying members leading to increased board member participation
  • Deal with objections about participation including ‘I just don’t have the money’.
  • Engage in initiatives like having a agency meetings, adding value and increasing membership
  • Make membership more aware of NAIFA benefits at a local and state level including advocacy, education, LiLi, networking/fellowship
  • Increase your relevancy with potential members and prospective members
  • Stay active in NAIFA

The NAIFA Membership Workshop is filled with fun, shout outs, success formulas, roll playing a membership enrolment script and a membership enrollment plan that will ignite your membership goals.

The NAIFA Membership Workshop can be delivered in 2 ½ hour and 4 hour formats. The Workshop includes an advance telephone SWOT analysis with Simon Reilly and your NAIFA Board.

My speaking calendar for 2016/2017 is limited. Please contact Laura at 1 877 248 6012 or email lreilly@leadingadvisor.com to schedule a Conference / Webinar Call with your State or Local Board so that I may introduce the highlights of NAIFA Membership Workshop.

Please note that my vision is to deliver the NAIFA Membership Workshop for your NAIFA Board the day before delivering The Inspirational Tipping Point / The Page Business Plan speaking presentation(s) for your Kick Off, MDRT Day, Sales Congress or Local/State Conference.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.

Simon Reilly

PS – Here’s the feedback from Greg Johnson and Steve Dewer, NAIFA Iowa Board Members;

“I liked the one-on-one engagement question session, hearing about how to get rid of my ‘backseat driver’ and the flexibility of Simon’s workshops. I learned tools to help me strategize a membership plan.”

Greg Johnson
Johnson Insurance

“Simon’s fact finder is transferable to NAIFA enrollment and client discovery. It’s a great way to discover what is important to others! I gained a deeper awareness of my values, beliefs and feelings.”

Steve Dewer
Financial Decisions Group