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Clear Your Roadblocks

CE Accredited under the 2010 Advocis / CLU Institute CE Accreditation Guidelines

Simon Reilly Speaking Topics - Clea Your Roadblocks

Clear Your Roadblocks To Success

Financial Advisor Surveys reveal the following statistics;

  • 80% of Financial Advisors have no detailed written Vision or Business Plan
  • 88% of Financial Advisors are not asking for Referrals
  • 25% of Financial Advisors over 63 years of have no Succession Plan
  • 49% of Financial Advisors are not very satisfied
  • 40% of Financial Advisors are unsatisfied

In a world where there is a notion that “money buys you happiness”, therefore working in the financial advisor profession would equally make you happy and inspire you to take action to meet and exceed your goals, one has to ask “WHY” these survey results are happening.

Simon Reilly’s Clear Your Roadblocks To Success will help you to understand WHY you may have the Roadblocks and HOW to Clear Your Roadblocks To Success to enable you to;

  • Build a Vision for the Future
  • Write a Business Plan, Strategies and Systems
  • Improve your Financial Controls
  • Build and Lead a Championship Team
  • Develop Marketing and Sales Skills
  • Brand Yourself and Define a Niche Market
  • Focus on Client & Product Specialization
  • Create “Wow” Customer Service
  • Maintain Balance between Work, Rest & Play

Are you successful, yet consumed with the cumulative demands of clients, marketing, sales and personnel? Are you challenged by business planning, delegation, time management, client segmentation, attracting higher net worth clients, asking for referrals and succession planning?

… which means that you are working long hours, have no time to relax, and are disillusioned by business systems that are not working.

Every financial advisor knows that they “should” invest in strategies that include business planning, delegation, time management and asking for referrals but they are sabotaged by roadblocks that prevent these strategies from being a “must”.

Join Simon Reilly in his thought provoking Clear Your Roadblocks To Success presentation to understand the roadblocks that even the most seasoned financial advisors are facing and Clear Your Roadblocks To Success and breakthrough your roadblocks to take action to meet and exceed your goals.

I was very pleased with Simon’s presentation.  He has fantastic energy and his material is very well packaged. His material is a mix of old and new, and certainly has the most complete and informative material, and he is the best presenter that I have seen deliver to our MGA in the last 24 months. He delivered value and excited the crowd. Simon delivered exactly what I expected, and I was pleased to see the number of people who responded by purchasing his book, that shows me that having Simon speak was a huge success.
Michael Williams
BFG Financial Inc.,  President (2010)
Toronto, ON