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Dear Steady Advisor

Here is a follow up e-mail to a client that relates to behavioural adaption.

Dear Steady Advisor,

Thank you for Tuesday’s coaching call.

Congratulations for the dedication, focus and results that you have created during this very busy time.

Congratulations again for booking your holidays and meeting with your team about what could be done before you go away and for the laser focus on what must be done before your go away and to your commitment not to take anything with you and to not make calls on your holidays.

You have been adapting your steady cross the T’s and dot the I’s – do one thing at a time and do it well behaviour for some time to a multi-tasking behaviour.

When this happens it kind of has a snowball effect when it comes time to relax back to your natural style because you have conditioned yourself to be always on.

Rather than fight your creative brilliant mind with all of the ideas that it has when you are trying to relax on the weekend, use a journal to empty your mind to capture the ideas for future action.

This way you are still honouring the ideas as they come in … it doesn’t mean that you have to act on them immediately.

In follow up to your appointments and with respect to your natural behavioural style, remember to take the time to debrief you appointments right at the end by making brief bullet notes before you get distracted by an associate or the next appointment.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.
