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Coaching Helps The Client + IFB Testimonials

The Jasmine is growing on our back patio after putting in some fertilizer … a mixture of chicken and cow manure. Fertilizer, kind of like coaching except instead of adding BS, the coach helps the client to remove their BS.

Getting tired of my arm in a sling already due to the radial head fracture, not sure which is worse, wanting to stretch my arm from being tired of being in one spot or the little bit of pain of not being able to when I try to stretch it out. I’m in the sling for a week and then I have to really work at getting my elbow moving as it will stiffen up, and that is why they don’t put a cast on. The radial head fracture brings to mind a story that I will have to write, which is about my 1990 double compound leg fracture that I had while skydiving when I was working with Tony Robbins … perhaps this will be lead storey in June’s e-newsletter. I’ll have to use the healing techniques that I will share in the story as I have two speaking presentation in the near future on June 17th for Pro-Seminars in Calgary, AB and on June 19th for Canada Life in Victoria, BC … and an arm sling will not do especially the way I move around the audience when I speak … kind of stiff wouldn’t you say.

Speaking of stories, it looks like it is a go for me writing a monthly column in a national financial advisor publication and I am very honored and excited about this.

It has been a great week on the phone with new prospective clients and the enrollment process is going well. As much as we gave it our best shot, we have spoken with 33% and we still have to talk to 66% of the financial advisors that wished to talk with us from The IFB.

Here are some of the testimonials from The Independent Financial Brokers Summit in Toronto, May 27th & 28th.

“We were able to get so much more out of his presentation because he took the time to engage the audience. He understands our needs. Good Job! I now understand how human psychology has an impact on the financial services professional.”

Eldean Dickenson
Wheatfield Financial Group
wheatfieldfinancial @ yahoo.ca

“Very eye opening to identify what road blocks I am experiencing currently in my professional life. The clarity you provide is exceptional.”

Katherine Irving
SFS Financial Inc.
kirving @ mccarthysidlergroup.com

“You have inspired me to get back to basics after 20 years in the business. The passion in which you operate and it rubbed off on me. Even though I am “busy” with an assistant I feel like I am “retired”.”

Sandy Theys
Theys Insurance Ltd.
sandratheys @ simpatico.ca