“Apart from Simon’s energy and enthusiasm, I liked getting an idea about a quick, fast, easy business plan – and I do understand that there is a lot of work that goes into a “quick, fast, easy plan”. I have a better insight into me and my business practices and the best way to ask for referrals.”
Evelyn Butler
Allstate Financial Services
“Simon was knowledgeable and animated. The TED Talks are a great idea. I liked that I received the notes from the presentation.”
Cathyrn Brindle
Bridge Financial Partners, LLC
“It was a refreshing view of “being” versus “doing” as a means of re-focusing the direction of my business. I liked that I have the opportunity to create a detailed business plan online. This is something I have never done even though I have been in business over 10 years.”
Mimi Mitcham
Mitchams & Associates
“I liked the self improvement items and that it is ok to be where I am at this stage in life, but I can improve back to a younger Larry.”
Larry Shirley
“I liked the various areas of our personalities that have effects on our businesses. There is a need to evaluate myself and things I need to change to strengthen my practice. ”
David L. Lloyd
Mutual of Omaha
“Simon pulled together many of my thoughts and belief. He must be able to read my mind because he nailed many of my fears.”
Steve Leslie
Leslie & Associates
“For me as a manager, it was interesting, well presented and helpful.”
Queen Reed
Comprehensive Insurance Agency

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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