[vsw id=”HWvd1BIm3Tw” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] Become a Value Added Advisor The slide is a benchmark of the 6 strongest values of the strongest advisors…
China, commodities, currencies, Iran, oil, stocks – up, down, up, down, up, down and if you have been watching the markets in January 2016 you…
[vsw id=”-Jj0uQuF-Qc” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] I talked about Emptying Your Mind, I talked about highlighting what you love to do, and I suggested everything…
January is a great time of year for an Associate Review, Renew, and Redo by way of a Review Meeting. NOTE: The below steps are…
[vsw id=”-u2StJAw0Ok” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] What I do is I use Microsoft Excel, and now I am using Dragon Dictation. There was a time…
As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped us shape our business.…
[vsw id=”7-xqZwjongM” source=”youtube” width=”597″ height=”336″ autoplay=”no”] The next action step is to redefine your 5 Step Client Engagement Process. And the 5 Steps are:…
Reflection On Reclaim Retrain Recruit Retain From NAILBA 34 – December 1, 2015 These are my reflections on the future of the insurance industry, as…