I have not watched the news this year. Yes, my peripheral vision notices CNN and FOX NEWS on the monitors in airports and hotel lobbies.…
Appreciating #NAIFA Board, Executive & Staff For Their Extra Work To Keep Members Safe Cancelling NAIFA 2017 Orlando P+P / Hurricane Irma. Please visit the NAIFA website for more information.
Check out this extremely interesting report that was included in Time Magazine’s, Special Edition – The Science Of Happiness – New Discoveries For A More Joyful Life.
From my experience of investing a considerable amount in Systems & Technology in July and August to become Digitally Balanced vs Bankrupt, the answer is Time.
A short blog post as we begin our Alaska Cruise. This relaxed picture of Laura and I was taken Friday, August 11, 2017, in Juneau, beside the bow of the MS Volendam.
This Inukshuk on our back patio that is reminder to take the time to get my head on straight as I Contact Cement the head of the Inukshuk back on from time to time.
During the NAIFA Missouri Membership Workshop I addressed all of it; what is going on in the news, pending association charter changes relating to the Quality Membership Experience, the Department of Labor and dwindling membership, which are all influencing and overwhelming their state of mind.
Thank you to NAIFA Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri for the opportunity to deliver membership workshops and to present The Inspirational Tipping Point at NAIFA State Conferences June/July 2017.