Thank you to NAIFA Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri for the opportunity to deliver membership workshops and to present The Inspirational Tipping Point at NAIFA State Conferences June/July 2017.
There are a large amount of NAIFA non-member well-known associates, friends and peers that can be approached on a one-on-one basis by NAIFA State and Local Board Members about becoming a NAIFA member using the New NAIFA Membership Sales System.
The following clip/(from a coaching call follow up email)/conversation/process will save your marriage. How do I know? I’ve had countless spouses of clients tell me the following over the past twenty five years: “You saved our marriage.”
Do you have the energy, space and time to imagine and realize 2018 and beyond. May you be inspired in the moment rather than being motivated by the past or the future.
To Self-Actualize / Self-Transcend one is required to stop in the Present and give thanks for the Past to Realize the Future.
What happens when you believe your spouse is crazy? Does this create less or more crazy? Instead of believing or telling in presumed moments of crazy, listen to understand using this communications model.
Clients and friends ask; “How do you handle the travel?” Best travel practices like affirmations, cardio, conscious breathing, healthy eating, meditation, prayer, sleep, yoga – and no over thinking.
What do association members need and want? I’ve been investing time over the past few weeks refining the 2017 membership workshop version that I first presented for NAIFA Ohio in early 2016 which was followed by membership workshops in mid-2016 for NAIFA New Mexico and NAIFA Iowa. Some of the content is in the new NAIFA Membership Sales System.