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Kitchener, September 9, 2010

World Economic Forum Ranks Canadian Banks Soundest in the World for the Third Consecutive Year

Jim Flaherty, Finance Minister of Canada, issued the following statement upon release of the World Economic Forum’s 2010-11 Competitiveness Report:

“I am very pleased to see the World Economic Forum has ranked Canada’s banking system as the soundest in the world for the third consecutive year.

“Canada’s banks and other financial institutions are sound and well-capitalized, and were less highly leveraged than their international peers heading into the financial crisis.  In contrast to many other countries, none of Canada’s banks required bailouts. Even during the worst days of the credit crisis, our financial institutions’ health allowed them to continue to raise capital.

“The strength of our financial sector is the result of a sound regulatory regime, including capital requirements for financial institutions that are well above minimum international standards and higher than in many other jurisdictions, and a more conservative risk appetite among financial institutions.

Click here to read all of World Economic Forum Ranks Canadian Banks Soundest in the World for the Third Consecutive Year

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Advisor.ca Name That Visionary

What do Simon Reilly, Mark Carney, Jim Flaherty, Moshe Milevsky and Terry Zavitz have in common?

Voting for Advisor.ca ‘s  Name That Visionary will commence on September 7th 2010 (just after Labour Day).

If you previously voted you’ll receive an email voting reminder on September 7th.

Round One is over. Your votes have been cast and tabulated. Advisor.ca’s expansive list of candidates is now down to just 20 entries displayed below. It is your turn to pick the Top Ten for the next phase of Advisor.ca’s poll to determine Canada’s greatest financial visionary. In the Second Round, you can only cast one vote so read the bios carefully, familiarize yourself with the candidates and make your pick.

Your votes will be tabulated and Advisor.ca’s first round of judging will determine the top ten finalists. A second round of judging will determine the order of the Top 10 nominees and an overall winner.