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Alive Or Buried Alive By The DOL Fiduciary Rule?

Alive Or Buried Alive By The DOL Fiduciary Rule?

There was a sigh of relief after the February 3 News; Presidential Memorandum on Fiduciary Duty Rule.

Are you feeling Alive Or Buried Alive By The DOL Fiduciary Rule?

This reminded me of an excerpt of an e-mail that I sent to a client last November about how to deal with their negative emotions and beliefs brought on by the DOL Fiduciary Rule along with studying for and writing their Series 63 Exam. The gist of the e-mail was about getting into the right state of mind because negativity will just create more of the same.

Please find attached Getting out of Overwhelm / Emptying your Mind Assignments that segue into; Deciding What You’re Going to Do, Delegate, Defer and Dump, and Designing your Time so that your Free Days, Buffer Days and Focus Days are very very Clear.  Clear so that you have Time Blocked to study for the Series 63 Exam.

I’m re-reading a book, probably for the third time, called ‘The Pilgrimage’ by Paulo Coelho and in the book, it has an assignment called ‘The Buried Alive Exercise’ which is below. 

This exercise reminds me of an exercise that I did 25 years ago with Tony Robbins that envisioned going 50 years into the future envisioning that you are at death’s door either having committed to accomplishing what you are committed to or not doing it.  In relation to the Series 63, what you have to do is get associated to either the negative consequences of not following through on what we have talked about or the positive consequences of following through. This ‘Buried Alive Exercise’ is a strong one, to get you to associate to choosing to be Buried Alive or Alive by The DOL / Studying and Writing the Series 63 Exam. There is always a choice. The first choice is face your fears so that you can get out of the darkness and into the light of day to form a new perspective. This Script to Transition Clients to a Fee for Service Relationship will help you to form a new perspective.

The Buried Alive Exercise from The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho

Lie down on the floor and relax. Cross your arms over your chest in the posture of death.

Imagine all of the details of your burial, as if it were to be carried out tomorrow, the only difference being that you are being buried alive. As the situation develops in your mind – the chapel, the procession to the cemetery, the lowering of the casket, the worms in your grave – you begin tensing all of your muscles more and more in a desperate attempt to escape. But you cannot do so. Keep trying until you cannot stand it any longer, and then, using a movement that involves your entire body, throw aside the confines of the coffin, breathe deeply, and find yourself free. This movement will have a greater effect if you scream at the same time; it should be a scream that emanates from the depths of your body. This exercise should only be done once.