Laura and I work with clients that often times work with their spouses. Laura and I have toyed with the idea of creating a company…
Honoured To Speak At The January 15 NAIFA Washington DC & North Virginia 2015 Kickoff.
Here is the Audio of my interview with James Silbernagel of NAIFA Client Cast / Real Wealth Media on the Top 17 Mistakes Consumers Make…
Laura and I are just back online from a 16-day holiday staycation from email, social media and telephone calls, and we are rested, relaxed and…
It’s Monday, December 15th and this is my last non-coaching day of our working year in advance of coaching days Tuesday, December 16th to Friday,…
December 2014 E-Newsletter – Balance · Plan · Reward – The Psychology of the Client Interview Part 2
Read the latest Leading Advisor E-Newsletter The Psychology of the Client Interview Part 2
We have just completed an edit of the TEDx Talk that I did back in April of 2013 shortening the video to 10 minutes and…
Aclamaciones! Bravo! Hourra! Hurra! Hurray! Sante! It’s the 10th Anniversary of our Leading Advisor Website. We decided to do a count of the webpages and blog posts we’ve…