As a leader, we very often display some of the same roadblocks our team is facing. Some of you have shared the following improvements and roadblocks with us. In order to help others, we must first help ourselves. Is Your Commitment Leading The Way?
Excited to be presenting at a joint March 2019 New Jersey Event for #NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors), #SocietyofFSP (Society Of Financial Service Professionals) and #WIFS (Women In Insurance and Financial Services)
I’m the busiest and in the best shape of my life. Here are 13 tips on how to be in the best shape of your life even when you’re busy.
My forever nervous and worried mother Irene might have been referring to whether there were enough funds available to continue to fund the monthly fees for her long-term care facility. At a deeper level, my forever nervous and worried mother Irene was referring to the heart attack and death of her magistrate father, John, in October of 1929. My mother was nine and the tragedy of having no father and no money echoed forward into her forever nervous and worried life into mine.
Instead of outside medication to alleviate the feeling of being judged and condemned, turn inside to breathing and meditation to dissolve the false belief of being judged and condemned and free your mind.
Feeling absolutely accomplished; Completed PowerPoint for the “Inspirational Leadership In The Age Of Consumerism” presentation delivering @ #GAMA #LAMP March 17-20, 2019 Grapevine, TX. Well in advance of online rehearsals end of Oct & Nov & live Jan rehearsal in Washington DC!
There are 5 quintillion bytes of information created every single day and 90% of all the information in the world has been created in the last two years. The vast majority of us are suffering from a lack of balance brought on by decision fatigue.
The world appears to be becoming more and more polarized. Polarization is a sharp division between two contrasting groups or set of opinions or beliefs.