My Delegation Wish List of things that is over and above the Job Description for our new Administrative Assistant; Planning Assist With What I Call…
Business improvements to make as of May 21st; Corporate Address Change Hire A Ghost Writer For Article Creation Maximizer Upgrade Speaking Marketing IDA & MFDA…
List your employee benefit corporate clients and sort alphabetically Plot them on a map Determine where your employee benefit corporate clients are located in relation…
We all know the woes of Microsoft’s Vista and there is no sense in talking about a product that is causing customers to exit in…
In a way, I feel like exclaiming Al Pachino’s comment from his last Godfather move; “no matter how hard I try, they keep “trying” to…
The Life Insurance Parable Welcome to the May edition of our Clear Your Roadblocks E-Newsletter. With the completion of The Six Degrees Of Life Insurance…
* The Tim Hortons ad features a shirtless, hairy, fat man trying in vain to warm up a sandwich with a hair dryer. His female…
Friday night’s trip to Vancouver for dinner, Fleetwood Mac and a sleep over was great for a change as working from a home office can…