Financial Planner / Money Manager – Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas
You are an experienced Financial Planner / Money Manager that is familiar with advanced planning strategies, lifetime income strategies and estate planning that is Insurance
Kill The Future Objections Brought On By Disclosure Of Commissions While They Are Little
I wrote the following script back in 2013 / 2014 to help advisors explain disclosure of commission to their clients. The script also helps the advisor to deal with their emotions relating to disclosure of commission. I believe this script provides a segue into dealing with industry changes that include disclosure of commission, the potential of banning commission and the advisor heading into a fee for service model.
Speaking & Sponsoring at NIME (National Insurance Marketing Executives) May 3-5, 2015
Laura and I were wheels up on Saturday May 2, 2015 headed to the NIME ( National Insurance Marketing Executives ) Conference May 3-5, 2015 at the Omni
Are You A Consultant Or A Salesperson?
The consultant follows a values based system to approach a specific niche market on mass by first securing a data base. The consultant then conducts
Are You Coachable or Worthless?
I always send my clients a Coaching Call Follow E-mail and here is a recent excerpt from one of my E-mails. You started off our